What’s in season in Autumn?

  • April 28, 2024

As we’re in a new season, it’s always good to have a look at what’s in season, to see if you can spice up your fruit box. So let’s find out which fruits are in season for Autumn!


Apples are always popular, but Autumn is when they really shine! Make sure you’ve got some in your fruit box, we love Pink Ladies and Braeburn apples!


Figs are delicious, and full of fibre and nutrients. They’re not everyone’s favourite, but why not give them a go?

Lemons & Limes

These are great to add to hot drinks, and a top benefit is they give you that extra boost of Vitamin C you need to avoid those pesky Autumn and Winter sniffles!


As you may notice, this is the time of year when peaches and nectarines become available, and we add plums in their place.


These are a bit trickier to eat than easy-peel citrus like satsumas, but they are definitely worth it – that tangy taste cannot be beaten! It also gives you lots of Vitamin C, like lemons and limes


These fruits are not as popular as you need to cut them open to get the delicious seeds, but don’t miss out on them! They are truly scrumptious if you give them a chance!

What’s your favourite Autumn fruit? Let us know @office_fruit!

#Whats #season #Autumn

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