My Go-To Sweet Potato Smoothie

  • November 3, 2023

sweet potato smoothie

Sweet potatoes are an autumn staple in our home. Even limiting my consumption to ½ cup per day (after discovering a severe mannitol sensitivity during my FODMAP re-challenge), you’ll still find them in my breakfast boats, in various soups and curries, and whizzed into my morning smoothies. They add that perfect pop of just-enough natural sweetness, keep me fuller, longer, and make smoothies milkshake thick! This particular combination has been a recent go-to. Aptly named: my Go-To Sweet Potato Smoothie, this meal-like recipe is lusciously creamy, home to some of my favorite ingredients, and packs a protein punch. Here’s how I make it!


½ small sweet potato, baked then frozen
½ medium banana, peeled + frozen
1 cup kale or spinach, frozen from fresh
¼ cup unsweetened coconut yogurt
1 tablespoon unsweetened nut butter
1 scoop collagen peptides (optional)
1 cup unsweetened milk of choice
¼ – ½ cup filtered water (optional)


In a high-speed blender, whiz sweet potato, banana, kale, yogurt, almond butter, collagen, and milk until very smooth; 1 minute. If smoothie is too thick (this can happen with frozen sweet potato!), add water, beginning with ¼ cup, until desired consistency is reached. Pour into your favorite glass!

For those newer to adding sweet potato to your smoothies: preheat oven to 425 degrees F; line a baking sheet with parchment. Pierce desired number of small sweet potatoes with a knife (I usually prepare half a dozen sweet potatoes, or more, at a time, so I can have them handy), making a deep slit that goes about halfway through the potato. Bake, pierced side up, until very soft; 30-40 minutes. Allow potatoes to cool completely, then cut into big chunks. Keep frozen in an airtight bag.

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#GoTo #Sweet #Potato #Smoothie

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