Mango season 2023 versus 2024

  • March 26, 2024

For me it’s definitely not looking to be a good year compared to last year. I had a bumper crop last year, so many in fact I was running out of people to give mangoes to  ::)…this year with all the wet, humid, drizzly and damp weather I had during the flowering and fruit set I had powdery mildew on many of the flower pannicles so I think I’m going to have a very “light” or worse crop this year, I’m hoping to get some at least and hopefully not lose them all, but like you said its still pretty early to know how much of the few fruitlets are actually going to survive and mature, maybe another 6 to 8 weeks to see if any of them stay on the tree? My Maha only has a few blooms, not sure what happened but only a few of the branches bloomed and most of the others have new growths instead of flowers, I guess it decided to take a break this year  :-\

I didn’t spray this year, lazy I guess… my trees are getting too big to mess with, but my husband says if we have another wet winter next year he will spray sulphur on my trees and hopefully prevent a bad PM attack  ;D

I am very happy for you that your trees are doing well and you are going to have a better 2024 than you had last year, Congrats!

#Mango #season

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