January RESET Week 2

  • November 24, 2023

As we are now well into week two of 2021, I wanted to reflect on the first 10 days of my juice RESET. Over the first few days, I experienced very strong headaches, exhaustion, and hunger pains. On day 4, my energy started coming back and I was able to go for a long walk outside.

This has already been one of my better month long juicing attempts. Having so many people participate in this years RESET has certainly helped keep me accountable and committed. Some challenges I have experienced so far, have been going to a Chiefs game surrounded by tons of food, cooking for my two year old, and boredom.

For me, the cleanse isn’t as much about losing weight, as it is really being able to discipline myself for my health as a true lifestyle. I eat fairly healthy, but working out inconsistently during the pandemic has brought on some unwanted pounds. That being said, the 20 lbs that I’ve lost so far is well received, but not my focus for the RESET.

I’ve noticed that my sleep has been deeper, with less interruption from restlessness and I’m able to wake up in the morning with no grogginess. I have more energy and focus during the day. My skin is clearer.

I’m already a very health conscious person, but I realize I still have room to grow. My goal following this RESET is to eliminate unhealthy snacking and processed foods from my diet. I really just want to make a commitment to be healthier for life.

There are so many misconceptions about juice cleansing, and until a person experiences one for themselves, it’s hard to truly evaluate the impact it can have on a person’s individual health in the short, and long term. I’ll leave you with this; a juice cleanse is less about what happens during it, and more about what happens after. It’s a jumpstart to a new, healthier lifestyle.

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Staying Active during your reset

To take this January RESET to another level, we have partnered with the TUF CLUB to provide a sample workout you can follow along with during your January cold pressed RESET.

At the TUF CLUB we believe in the fullness of health and wellness!! That goes into how you eat, how you workout, and how you purify your body.

Tier #1 0-10 day

Days 6-10 Morning and Evening:

15 pushups

50 body weight squats

15-30 lying lifts

20 alt lunges

Tier #2

Days 6-13, throughout the day:

50 squats

50 pushups

50 sit-ups

50 lunges

Days 7-20, throughout the day:

75 squats

50 pushups

75 sit-ups

80 lunges

Tier #3

Days 6-13, 1 time through out the day:

20 squat hops

10 burpees

30 pushups

50 squats

50 laying toe touches

Days 7-20, 2 times throughout the day:

20 squat hops

10 burpees

30 pushups

50 squats

50 laying toe touches

Days 21-30, 3 times throughout the day:

20 squat hops

10 burpees

30 pushups

50 squats

50 laying toe touches



Let’s begin the new year with a conversation with ourselves about who we are, who we hope to become, and what we’d like to accomplish in 2021.

What you’ll need:

Each week, set aside quiet time alone (the amount of time and frequency during each week is up to you). Pick a way to document your self-reflections. You can use a journal, an app that allows voice recording, sticky notes. You can be creative with how you document.

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Let’s begin the new year with a conversation with ourselves about who we are, who we hope to become, and what we’d like to accomplish in 2021.

Week 2 // What you’ll do:

This is who I hope to become in 2021: after acknowledging who you are today, begin to imagine all the ways you’d like to continue growing. If you could enhance parts of who you are inside, what would those enhancements look and feel like? As you begin to list ways you’d like to stretch yourself in 2021, also reflect on the purpose of the growth you’re seeking. How will your new growth and maturity serve you?


#January #RESET #Week

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