2020 Supermarket Store Design Trends – Juice Bar Outfitter


Prior to the pandemic many supermarkets designed their stores to include plenty of opportunities for browsing. A customer strolling through the produce department was prompted to sample a new in season fruit, in store restaurants looked to expand the shopping experience and keep customers in the store. 2020 is turning things upside down. Safety is now top of mind, curbside pick ups and quick trips in and out of the store are the new goals.


Fast Company looks into Walmarts new store design that is ready to roll out to 200 stores in 2020. The overall look is the same but the big change is in the navigation of the store. You will find clearly defined departments, clear signage that synchs up with the Walmart app to help customers get in and get out with what they need. Customers want to feel safe and the Walmart redesign accommodates the new 2020 goals. The curbside pick up area is clearly defined with a blue arch. The in store signs look more like something you would see at an airport or theme park, and the online app can be used in the store to find what you are looking for quickly. 

Supermarket Perimeter highlights a creative approach by The Giant Company to create a fun shopping experience online.

The Giant Company is hosting virtual Halloween cooking classes for kids every. Monday and Wednesday in October. Participants register online and are given a shopping list of ingredients and create fun seasonal recipes like Pumpkin Pie Energy Bites, Vampire Apple and Strawberry Ghosts. 

See also  Who Are The Influencers of the Fruit World?

2020 has disrupted everything and the supermarkets that will continue to grow and thrive will adapt and innovate. Customers will be looking for emphasis on safety while shopping in store, efficiency with online ordering and curbside pickup and creative experiences like the online cooking classes. As we approach the holiday season it is important to get creative and still maintain the spirit of the holidays, embrace the current new normal and help customers try new items from the produce department. If you offer fresh juice in your produce department you can make sure you let the customer know you emphasize their safety. Have signs around the orange juicer, offer disposable gloves, wipes or have the juice already in bottles in a chipped ice display. Include a QR code they can scan to get recipes instead of a recipe card and that can link them to an interactive page on your website with fun seasonal recipes.

Zumex orange juicer in supermarket

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