The 500 Club Goes Green in November

  • December 4, 2023

November Fabulous Friday Featured Recipes of the Week at the 500 Club!

As much as we all might like to, we can’t just have nothing but barbecued meats every night for dinner! The really great thing about Steven’s recipes is that he has given those who love the flavors imparted by live fire cooking. a way to enjoy them on an enormous variety of foods and for all the courses that make for a really unforgettable meal.

Nothing exemplifies that more than his truly one-of-a-kind salad recipes that pair fantastic fresh greens and vegetables with the grilled meats we all love. They give you a way to do more recipes (which is what The 500 Club is all about!) and still maintain balance in the food you eat. In our mind, nothing enhances the enjoyment of sizzling hot barbecue more than the beautiful cooling effect of greens!

We hope you enjoyed going green with the 500 Club in November!

-Robert & Alynne

Grilled Salad Niçoise #9

Grilled Salad Niçoise

“The classic salad from Nice is the epitome of Provencal cooking – bright colors and bold flavors in a dish that’s refreshing, nourishing, and sustaining. Traditional salade niçoise is made with boiled vegetables and canned tuna. To make a more interesting salad, I took to grilling fresh tuna instead. I wasn’t long before I was grilling the potatoes, onions, and green beans, too. Gilling transforms salade niçoise into an unforgettable main course.”

Spicy Thai Beef Salad #10

“This recipe is modeled on Thailand’s famous yam nua yang, grilled beef salad. I can`t think of a better starter or light main course on a warm summer day. The combination of flavors – fiery chiles, fragrant mint, ginger, and garlic – is explosive…and addictive. As in other recipes, I offer a range of chiles: one for the tender of tongue and six (or more) for the pyromaniac.”

Persian Chicken Salad #11

Persian Chicken Salad

“I first tasted this dish at a fine Persian restaurant in New York called Persepolis. The combination of chicken and potatoes in a salad is as delectable as its unexpected. Its another great way to use up leftover grilled chicken.”

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Grilled Eggplant, Tomato and Pepper Salad #12

Grilled Eggplant and Peppers in Embers

“Love of barbecue cuts across race, nationality, and economic class. Some of my best informants have been taxi drivers, most of whom seem to come from other countries. This salad was inspired by a conversation with an Armenian cabbie in Philadelphia. He called it fasouli, which he said means crazy or all mixed up. He preferred to remain anonymous, so where he is, thanks for the tip.”

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