The Invisible Summer Bucket List (aka Living Life)

  • August 9, 2024

Real question. When did it start happening that summer ends with the return to school in mid-August when I remember, clear as day, dreading Labor Day weekend as the harbinger of the first day of school? I’m sure there’s a reasonable answer like, longer holiday breaks, shorter days, or an early finish but… mid-August!?  This feels unkind.

At least Amy has our adult school supply list ready for us (aka the best pens on the planet).

We’re not quite at mid-August yet so I suppose we can relax, but isn’t it wild that we’re in August at all!? This week I’ve been thinking about where I started the year.  In an apartment near downtown Houston scrawling what felt like daydreams into an empty notebook.  You know… those audacious goals you set for yourself at the top of a new year while you’re still high on Christmas cookies?

Here I am a few steps into August, in a small town outside of Houston with a giant lawn to water…. which I’m doing right now. So many little steps. So many big and little decisions in a year, right? Here, three-quarters of the way into it, we should stop and pat ourselves on the back.  It doesn’t matter if it’s all worked out the way we hoped at the start, we’re here and we’re really doing it.

One thing I distinctly did not do though? A Summer Bucket List.  In the least of my problems, I couldn’t find my watercolor paints because this move has been the last and clunkiest.  But mostly, every time I thought about a formal summer bucket list I thought about all the ways in which I need to fuss with the house and that’s not the vibe.  Turns out I’ve just been living my summer bucket list with boat rides, and lil’ friend vacations, a visit from the parents, and a strawberry pie.  That’s just how some years shake out.

See also  Christmas Cake! - Jane's Patisserie

I hope you’re well this Sunday. Let’s ease into this day and this month with a nod to how far we’ve come so far this year.

•  I don’t know who needs to hear this (all of us), but it’s not too late.  It’s not over until it’s ovah. Artist Isabella didn’t start painting until her 50’s only to start receiving international attention now in her 90’s.  An Artist Flowering in Her 90’s. I love it so much.  (The New Yorker)

•  Talk about bucket list living! I Wasn’t Sure How To Celebrate Turning 70 Then I Sent An Email That Changed My Entire Life (Huffington Post UK)

•  Speaking of getting old (it’s ok, we’re all doing it).  Hurdles in your 90’s anyone? OK Flo, tell ’em!  (Instagram)

• Simone Biles is genuinely one of one, and I’m sure you’ve seen coverage of her gold winning performances this past week. Plural! Performances! I’m just going to leave you with her signature, gold-winning vault, the Yurchenko double pike, aptly named “The Biles,” (Youtube)

  So science says we blush as a result of our egos crumbling? Karaoke Reveals Why We Blush. It makes sense. I sang karaoke for the second time ever a few weekends ago and when that last song chord finally hit (why is three minutes so long?) I thought, yeah, may my ego RIP. Check that off the Summer Bucket List. (Arstechnica)

•  Everyone is calling it a mild Texas summer but that is that true? I mean… I’m still very much wilting.  If you and your plants are too here’s 8 things you need to do to help your garden beat the summer heat. (Sunset)

See also  Why baking is fun – The Baker's Memoir

•  I’m going to need your thoughts on “Sleep Divorce”.  I’m sometimes ready to sleep divorce the dog Graham for the way his hot little body insists on sleeping right against mine in our queen size bed.  But sleeping with another full-sized human in a Queen size bed? Divorce. I’m a body flopping, pillow flipping, hot sleeper and I’ll be in the guest room if you want to cuddle. (Apartment Therapy) 

  Here are some tips on How To Be More Spontaneous as Busy Adult! (Time)

  I just learned I’ve been picking my zinnias too soon.  Do you know about the wiggle test?  (Ps. Besides zinnias in the garden, all I’m growing is weeds.) (Instagram)

•  I get too embarrassed to read stuff about myself so I’ll just quietly leave this here for you.  Peep the new kitchen cabinets mostly empty because I hadn’t fully unpacked yet.  New Texan Joy the Baker Shares the Ingredients to Her Success Story.  (Houstonia Magazine)

  I’ve been making this Italian Almond Lemonade for two weeks now and it is the BEST drink I’ve had all summer.  This is the orgeat I use! (Instagram, Amazon) 

  On my list to make for dinner are these Pimento Cheese Chicken Sandwiches. (How Sweet Eats)

  Just want to flag something summery for you.  This very summer Fresh Tomato Sandwich has an iceberg lettuce salad slaw on it that actually belongs on every sandwich you make from here to eternity. (Joy the Baker) 

Finally, thank you for the Vanilla Texas Sheet Cake a few weeks back! The recipe is in development for the fall! Y’all are the best! 

See also  Jerry’s Cheesecake aka “The Best One”

My love to you,

xo Joy

#Invisible #Summer #Bucket #List #aka #Living #Life

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