Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups with Spelt Flakes

  • September 10, 2024

I’m a big fan of cookies – everyone around me knows that by now. Today, I have a new recipe for something that could be described as »cookie adjacent«. They belong somehow in the cookie world, but they’re not cookies: Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups with Spelt Flakes. Delicious little bites with healthy spelt flakes, peanut butter, and chocolate. The perfect snack when craving something sweet and slightly salty at the same time ;P

Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots

To be honest, I don’t know why these little cookie cups are called cookie cups. Maybe because the bottom layer could easily be turned into cookies when baked. Or maybe the first person to make them just hasn’t found a suitable name for what was right in front of them? I have no idea. But it doesn’t really matter. As long as we get something delicious on our plates… who cares about the name, right?! ;P

So what do you get here with these cookie cups? Well… you’ll get a sweet and crunchy base made with spelt flakes (the cousins of rolled oats), a layer of peanut butter, and a lot of chocolate and mini M&M’s on top. The cookie cups are actually quite similar to Peanut Butter Cups. If you like those, you will most definitely like them here too. Sweet, salty, and a little healthy… if you believe that spelt flakes in a snack like this are still healthy. I mean, they are, but probably not in combination with all that chocolate, sugar, and fat. With just some milk, they would most definitely be good for your health, though… ;P

Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots

Anyway. These little cookie cups here are very easy to prepare. No baking is necessary. However, you will need a stove or microwave to warm the peanut butter and melt the chocolate. Besides that, the recipe is very simple and straightforward. Press the spelt flakes mixture into little paper liners, add the peanut butter on top, and cover everything with melted chocolate. A few mini M&M’s make those cookie cups look especially cute, I think. The perfect party snack ;P

With this recipe, you will get a good amount of cookie cups. More than enough, to be honest. You can keep them in the fridge for several days, which is the best place to keep them anyway when it’s warm in your home, but freezing them is also an option. Just add them to a freezer bag and throw them into your freezer. If you want to eat them, just let them defrost for 30 minutes or so. The chocolate on top might not look as pretty anymore after some time in the freezer, but this has no real impact on flavors or the quality of the cookie cups/chocolate.

See also  Mini Margarita Cheesecakes - Rich & Creamy
Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots

Well. They are definitely a great snack in between meals if you’re craving something sweet, but also perfect for parties. Children particularly love this type of sweet. However, you should always clarify in advance whether anyone has allergies. You can get into trouble quickly when someone is allergic to peanuts. I speak from experience…

Toffifee Chocolate Chip Cookie Cups | Bake to the roots
Click on the picture to get to the recipe –
Vegan Raspberry Lamington Energy Balls | Bake to the roots
Click on the picture to get to the recipe –

If you want to try »real« cookie cups made with actual cookie dough, you should take a look at my recipe for Toffifay Chocolate Chip Cookie Cups. They are delicious and also a great party snack! If you prefer something »healthier«, take a look at my vegan Raspberry Lamington Energy Balls. You can party with healthy smacks as well if you want to ;P


Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots


1. Add the spelt flakes and porridge base to a bowl and mix to combine. Add the maple syrup and mix in. Warm the peanut butter (in the microwave) until almost liquid, then add to the bowl and mix until everything is well combined. Set aside.

2. Line two mini muffin tins* with 36 paper liners*. Add a small amount of the spelt flakes mixture to each paper liner and press down to create an even and compact layer. Set aside.

3. Add the peanut butter, coconut oil, and vanilla extract to a microwave-safe bowl and heat up until the peanut butter and coconut oil has melted – mix well. Add about 1/2 teaspoon of this peanut butter mixture to the paper liners with the spelt flakes layer. You just want the spelt flakes to be covered, not a thick layer. Place the muffin tins in the fridge for about 10 minutes, so the peanut butter mixture can firm up.

4. While the peanut butter hardens, continue with the preparation of the chocolate layer. Chop the chocolate coarsely and add together with the coconut oil to a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the chocolate and coconut oil in 20 second intervals until completely melted. Mix to get a smooth chocolate sauce. Make sure the mixture is not too hot – let cool down a bit if necessary.

5. Take the muffin tins out of the fridge and pour some chocolate into each paper liner to cover the spelt flakes and peanut butter mixture. Place the muffin tins once more in the fridge for several minutes, so the chocolate can firm up a bit. Check often – you want the chocolate to be firmer but not completely hardened. Decorate the cookie cups with Mini M&M’s to your liking.

See also  Double Chocolate Cookie in a Mug

Note: Store the cookie cups in an airtight container in the fridge. You can also freeze them if you want to enjoy them for a longer time (up to 2 months).

1. Dinkelflocken und Porridge Basis in einer Schüssel vermischen. Ahornsirup dazugeben und unterrühren. Die Erdnussbutter (in der Mikrowelle) erwärmen, bis sie fast flüssig wird, dann in die Schüssel dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Zur Seite stellen.

2. Zwei Mini Muffinbleche* mit 36 Papierförmchen* bestücken. Eine kleine Menge der Dinkelflockenmischung in jedes Papierförmchen füllen und dann am Boden festdrücken, damit eine kompakte Schicht entsteht. Zur Seite stellen.

3. Erdnussbutter, Kokosnussöl und Vanille Extrakt in eine mikrowellengeeignete Schüssel geben und erwärmen. Die verflüssigte Erdnussbutter und das Kokosnussöl gut verrühren. Etwa 1/2 Teelöffel dieser Mischung in die Papierförmchen auf den Dinkelflocken verteilen. Die Dinkelflocken sollen nur leicht bedeckt sein – das muss keine dicke Schicht geben. Die Muffinbleche etwa 10 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen, damit die Erdnussbutter fest werden kann.

4. Während die Erdnussbutter im Kühlschrank durchkühlt, kann man mit der Schokoladenschicht weitermachen. Dazu die Schokolade grob hacken und dann zusammen mit dem Kokosöl in eine mikrowellengeeignete Schüssel geben und in 20-Sekunden-Intervallen in der Mikrowelle erwärmen. Sobald Schokolade und Kokosöl geschmolzen sind, alles gut verrühren. Die entstandene Schokoladensoße sollte nicht zu heiß sein, ggf. etwas abkühlen lassen.

5. Die Muffinbleche aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und in jedes Papierförmchen etwas geschmolzene Schokolade einfüllen, um die Dinkelflocken und die Erdnussbutter damit zu bedecken. Alles noch einmal für ein paar Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen, damit die Schokolade etwas fester werden kann. Öfter mal kontrollieren – die Schokolade soll fester werden, aber nicht komplett aushärten, sonst haften die M&M’s nicht. Sobald die Schokolade die richtige Konsistenz hat, die Cookie Cups nach Belieben mit Mini M&M’s dekorieren.

Hinweis: Die Cookie Cups lagert man am besten in einem luftdichten Behälter im Kühlschrank. Wer die kleinen Teile etwas länger genießen möchte, kann sie auch einfach einfrieren (bis zu 2 Monate).

Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.


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1. Add the spelt flakes and porridge base to a bowl and mix to combine. Add the maple syrup and mix in. Warm the peanut butter (in the microwave) until almost liquid, then add to the bowl and mix until everything is well combined. Set aside.

2. Line two mini muffin tins* with 36 paper liners*. Add a small amount of the spelt flakes mixture to each paper liner and press down to create an even and compact layer. Set aside.

3. Add the peanut butter, coconut oil, and vanilla extract to a microwave-safe bowl and heat up until the peanut butter and coconut oil has melted – mix well. Add about 1/2 teaspoon of this peanut butter mixture to the paper liners with the spelt flakes layer. You just want the spelt flakes to be covered, not a thick layer. Place the muffin tins in the fridge for about 10 minutes, so the peanut butter mixture can firm up.

4. While the peanut butter hardens, continue with the preparation of the chocolate layer. Chop the chocolate coarsely and add together with the coconut oil to a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the chocolate and coconut oil in 20 second intervals until completely melted. Mix to get a smooth chocolate sauce. Make sure the mixture is not too hot – let cool down a bit if necessary.

5. Take the muffin tins out of the fridge and pour some chocolate into each paper liner to cover the spelt flakes and peanut butter mixture. Place the muffin tins once more in the fridge for several minutes, so the chocolate can firm up a bit. Check often – you want the chocolate to be firmer but not completely hardened. Decorate the cookie cups with Mini M&M’s to your liking.


Store the cookie cups in an airtight container in the fridge. You can also freeze them if you want to enjoy them for a longer time (up to 2 months).

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Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M's Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots
Mini M&M’s Cookie Cups mit Dinkelflocken | Bake to the roots

#Mini #MMs #Cookie #Cups #Spelt #Flakes

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