Forkish EIB pain de Champagne

  • March 17, 2024

The second time around. Much better than the last time. 

Hands-on laboratory practice exercise 03/14 – 03/16

Area of improvement

No unsightly burnt crust

Oven spring

Area needs improvement

Scoring 80% hydration dough is a challenge even straight out of the refrigerator

Country Bread EIB Style (Forkish) AKA

Pain de Champagne 

KA Bread flour

Hayden Einkorn Whole grain Wheat 

Hayden Gazal Whole grain Rye

Hayden Purple Barley

Hydration 80%

Prefermented flour 20%

Salt 2.2%



Total dough 1800g

Three at 600g


#Forkish #EIB #pain #Champagne

See also  Gingerbread loaf cake with orange and whisky
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