Erica’s Sweet Tooth » Monster Eye Pretzel Bites

  • August 29, 2024

I was scrolling through my blog’s Pinterest page last week and got an overwhelming feeling of sadness. I’m so proud of all the content I’ve created over the past EIGHT years but I can’t believe I’ve let this little blog go without a new post for three whole months!! I have been baking a lot, but just not getting around to photographing and sharing everything here on the blog as much. So I made a point of making something blog-worthy this weekend because I’m not ready to give up on Erica’s Sweet Tooth quite yet. I’ve dressed up one of the easiest (and tastiest!) desserts ever for Halloween in an effort to get myself back into the blogging game.

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Although I’ve never made the classic pretzel/Hershey kiss/M&M combo before, I’ve had them plenty of times and always love the sweet and salty treat. Whenever I bake for an event, I’m usually expected to bring a dessert that’s more involved, but if something so easy can be this cute, I’m not going to pass this up! I used Hershey hugs and orange candy melts with a combination of edible candy eyes that I got at Micheal’s and Target. So festive, a bit spooky, but totally cute!

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Making this batch of pretzel bites literally took me a total of 20 minutes. And they’re so yummy! It was great to be behind the camera again getting creative with the styling and set up for the photos. I’m hoping this is something I can get back into the groove of, especially since the 8th anniversary of Sweet Tooth just passed a few weeks ago! Good thing it’s the high season of baking – Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it!!

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#Ericas #Sweet #Tooth #Monster #Eye #Pretzel #Bites

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