Easy Peasy Almond Croissants | Bake to the roots

  • October 2, 2023

Not everyone has a lot of time for baking. I bake and take pictures of my bakes for a living but I can also appreciate when I only have to spend a short time in the kitchen to get something sweet. These Easy Peasy Almond Croissants are definitely something you can whip up in no time. If you got some softened butter already you only need 5 minutes to get the croissants into the oven. Then you have to wait for the oven to finish and you got yourself a delicious snack. So easy!

Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots

I have to admit – these croissants are made for lazy people. You do not need to make/use homemade croissants to get excellent results. Normally, I really try to do as much as possible at home, but in this case, it’s absolutely fine to get store-bought croissants and do your magic with those… transforming them into something even better than plain croissants: Almond Croissants! ;P Crunchy, pillowy croissants with an almond (Frangipane) filling, almonds on top and dusted with confectioners’ sugar… sounds good, right?

The amount of croissants you can do with this recipe is enough for a small family or group of guests. It’s not made for a 2-person household but can easily be adjusted. If you have guests for breakfast or brunch these croissants are actually perfect. You prepare the Frangipane, someone brings croissants from a bakery or supermarket, and you can do your magic right in front of their eyes 😉 Your guests will love it that they get those delicious almond croissants warm and fresh from the oven… We are only two here, but I still use the recipe as it is. You can store the baked almond croissants and eat them the next day if you have leftovers. Thanks to the Frangipane they will be still very delicious 😉

Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots

I use a small amount of alcohol in the recipe for the Frangipane. The orange flavor of Cointreau* is a great addition here. You could also use Amaretto* or a plain vanilla liqueur* instead – also very nice. If you don’t like alcohol or when you are baking for children, you can, of course, leave out the alcohol. Vanilla extract and almonds bring a lot of flavor into the game anyway ;P

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For parties or when guests are coming over for a coffee it’s always good to have little snacks at hand. That’s why we have cookies at home all the time… as you might know I bake them very often 😉 Something I can also recommend: delicious little Blondie Bites or Apple Turnovers. Both recipes are easy to prepare and especially the turnovers with store-bought puff pastry are super easy to do 😉

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Easy Apple Cheesecake Turnovers | Bake to the roots


(6 croissants)

6 butter croissants
2.8 oz. (80g) butter (or margarine), at room temperature
1/4 cup (50g) brown sugar
1 medium egg
1 tbsp. orange liquor (e.g. Cointreau) (optional)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
5.3 oz. (150g) ground almonds
2 tbsp. milk (or plant-based alternative)
4-6 tbsp. sliced almonds

some confectioners’ sugar for dusting (optional)

(6 Croissants)

6 Buttercroissants
80g weiche Butter (oder Margarine)
50g brauner Zucker
1 Ei (M)
1 EL Orangenlikör (z.B. Cointreau) (optional)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
150g Mandeln, gemahlen
2 EL Milch (oder pflanzliche Alternative), aufgeteilt
4-6 EL Mandeln, gehobelt

etwas Puderzucker zum Bestäuben (optional)

Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Cut the croissants horizontally in half and place them on the baking sheet.

2. For the frangipane add the soft butter and brown sugar to a bowl and mix to combine. Add the egg, orange liquor (optional), and vanilla extract and mix in. Add the ground almonds and 1 tablespoon of the milk and mix to combine. Spread about 2 tablespoons of the frangipane on the bottom half of each croissant and place the top halves on top. Add the second tablespoon of milk to the frangipane and mix in to soften it up a bit. Spread it on top of the closed croissants and sprinkle with sliced almonds.

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3. Bake the almond croissants for about 20-23 minutes or until the almonds are slightly roasted. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit on the baking sheet. Dust the croissants with some confectioners’ sugar (optional) before serving. The almond croissants are best when still warm.

1. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen. Die Croissants waagerecht halbieren und auf das Backblech legen.

2. Für die Frangipane die weiche Butter und den Zucker in einer Schüssel verrühren. Ei, Orangenlikör (optional) und Vanille Extrakt dazugeben und alles gut verrühren. Die gemahlenen Mandeln und 1 EL der Milch dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Etwa 2 EL der Masse auf die jeweils untere Hälfte der Croissants streichen und dann mit der oberen Seite schließen. Den zweiten Esslöffel Milch zur Frangipane geben und unterrühren, damit die Masse etwas streichfähiger wird. Diese dann auf den Croissants verstreichen und mit gehobelten Mandeln bestreuen.

3. Die Croissants für etwa 20-23 Minuten backen – die Mandeln sollten etwas Farbe bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen holen und auf dem Backblech kurz abkühlen lassen. Wer mag, kann die Mandel Croissants vor dem Servieren noch mit etwas Puderzucker bestäuben. Das Gebäck schmeckt leicht warm am besten.

Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.


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6 butter croissants
2.8 oz. (80g) butter (or margarine), at room temperature
1/4 cup (50g) brown sugar
1 medium egg
1 tbsp. orange liquor (e.g. Cointreau) (optional)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
5.3 oz. (150g) ground almonds
2 tbsp. milk (or plant-based alternative)
46 tbsp. sliced almonds

some confectioners’ sugar for dusting (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Cut the croissants horizontally in half and place them on the baking sheet.

2. For the frangipane add the soft butter and brown sugar to a bowl and mix to combine. Add the egg, orange liquor (optional), and vanilla extract and mix in. Add the ground almonds and 1 tablespoon of the milk and mix to combine. Spread about 2 tablespoons of the frangipane on the bottom half of each croissant and place the top halves on top. Add the second tablespoon of milk to the frangipane and mix in to soften it up a bit. Spread it on top of the closed croissants and sprinkle with sliced almonds.

3. Bake the almond croissants for about 20-23 minutes or until the almonds are slightly roasted. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit on the baking sheet. Dust the croissants with some confectioners’ sugar (optional) before serving. The almond croissants are best when still warm.


It’s time to whip up something delicious!

Keywords: croissants, frangipane, almond, snack, breakfast

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Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots
Einfache Mandel Frangipane Croissants | Bake to the roots

#Easy #Peasy #Almond #Croissants #Bake #roots

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