Cowgirl Spring – Joy the Baker

  • April 10, 2024

Friends, hello! How are you? I’ve missed you. It feels like it’s been too long since we’ve had a proper catch up.

Last Easter weekend, Will and I were driving back to Houston from a camping trip (well, he was driving and I was eating ranch dip and potato chips in the passanger seat) and the highway was speckled with cars stopped along the side of the road. I can’t tell if it was planned or spontaneous, but families had stopped at various point on the road to pose in the wildflower patches in their Easter Sunday best.  It felt so endearing. So sweet. Very Texas spring.

Growth is nigh this season as I’ve found myself stretching and growing, making decisions about finances, insurance, and mortgages that seem like decisions for an adult somewhere else.  I dunno. Part of this continued adulthood is carrying the confidence that things will work out, or we can work them out. Let’s keep seeing about it.

This feels like an exciting season, chaos eclipse and trillions of cicadas not withstanding.  Here’s the Sunday offering this week. Take it easy, friends.

 Beyoncé. Obviously. I haven’t yet formed what to say about her latest album, Cowboy Carter except to say that tears welled up in my eyes three separate times on my first listen of this album. To fully appreciate it, we need notes. (Spotify, Vulture) 

  See also: The Legacy of Black Cowgirls (Capital B News) 

•  By now you know that Jasmin Paris was the first woman to finish the notorious Barkley Marathon with a chill 99 seconds to spare. She describes tunnel vision as made her way to the finish gate those last few hundred feet, and I really truly can only imagine. I’m in awe of the lengths women will go to show other women what’s possible.  And if you aren’t familiar with the Barkley Marathon, there’s a documentary on the Tennessee race here.  (BBC, Amazon)

  This made me emotional.  Pictures really do become treasures.  The Real Reason I Take So Many Selfies With My Daughter. (Romper) 

  I’ve been toying with the idea of putting an induction cooktop in my next kitchen.  Now, I’ve been adamant about cooking over gas for… ever, so this change of heart has even me surprised.  What appeals to me is the smooth and cool-to-the-touch cooktop, the ease of cleaning, and the fact that I can still use my cast iron skillets. I’ve poured over Heidi Swanson’s (of 101 Cookbooks)  Pros, Cons, and Real Talk on induction cooking and this deep dive with Wirecutter: Best Induction Cooktops.  Do you have an induction cooktop? Or strong opinions? I’ll all ears.  (NYTimes)

•  I find that the most cozy homes are those with a collected, eclectic sensibility. And great art.  Most of my collected New Orleans home is in storage just outside of Houston, but I’m thinking about the pieces of art I’ll add to my next home here in Texas. I’ve been browsing Etsy (believe it or not) for original art and these are two of my favorites: Ramona Candy Studio and CDFineArts. (Etsy)

  A few week’s back, Amy reminded us of the Cheeseburger Fried Rice we had at Red’s Chinese the last time she and her wife visited New Orleans. Red’s Chinese has since closed and I’ve moved away from New Orleans but that doesn’t mean we can’t relive the feel of those days with a bowl of this ridiculous rice and a video about it, obvi.  (Joy the Baker, Instagram)  

  When I was in Charleston a few weeks back, Garden and Gun had me blind taste a bunch of different fast food biscuits and I gotta say… I was 0/3.  I can’t tell one fast food biscuit from another except for the fact that they all smell like fried chicken (and that’s a special treat in itself).  Luckily on the same trip, Carrie of Callie’s Hot Little Biscuits taught me how to make her famous buttermilk biscuits so overall it was a huge win. (Garden and Gun, Joy the Baker) 

  Last year I refreshed my purse for spring which, for me, means tucking a small amount of cash in the tiny pocket for emergencies or just to forget about.  I can report I that I did, in fact, forget about that $60 I tucked away and was delighted to find it in September at the farmer’s market.  Pro Tip: hide things from yourself? 

  I recently purchased this Oversized Linen Dress and it will be my summer uniform. A breathable fabric that doesn’t touch my body? Absolutely yes. For sizing, I’m a size 8 and the Small in this sizing is a more traditional but still roomy fit.  The Medium would be extra roomy which is also a vibe.  (Everlane)  

  Related: How I Built an Endometriosis-Friendly Wardrobe. As the owner of boxy tops, over-sized men’s button down shirts, and dresses that don’t touch my body – I’m nodding YES. (Self) 

  One of my latest indulgences is fine soaps. As a baker, of course I want to rub fine butters on my body. I met Megan in New Orleans years ago and she’s not the owner and soap maker at Kin and Cottage in Winston-Salem, NC. Her products are beautiful!  All the soaps are fantastic but the Appalachia Soap might be my favorite. (Kin & Cottage)

•  Smitten with the idea of a Laundry Room Coffee Shop as a way to keep my kitchen counters clean (and buy saddle stools, obviously). (Instagram)

  We’re fast approaching the most lovely pie of spring and summer: Strawberry Crumble Pie. (Joy the Baker)

I hope you’re well! My love to you!

xo Joy

#Cowgirl #Spring #Joy #Baker

See also  Friday Things #522 - Brown Eyed Baker
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