Baking as cooking – The Baker’s Memoir

  • June 10, 2024

The beauty of baking is seen when a dough is gently transformed to crunchy biscuits or soothing cakes

There are various types of cooking amongst which one of them is known as baking. Baking simply implies the use of dry heat to cook. Now this doesn’t imply you drop your dough or food on a firewood with the expectation of baking, No No No. It is rather achieved by generating heat in an enclosed space like an oven which uses electricity or gas to generate heat. This can be improvised as a pot on low heat but most times the temperature is difficult to control and in cases where and upper source of heat is required, this fails. In fact, except you are really good at using that technique, you might just end up messing everything up
During baking, heat goes uniformly around what’s baked making the innermost part of the food the softest as the food does not get to that part on time. This is the reason why the right temperature and timing should be used or else the innermost part might be uncooked and irritating.Baking involves the use of heat either on top, below or both as they all give distinct features they present when either of them is done
Talking about baked foods what comes to mind are foods made by flour for instance bread or cookies but bakers have developed over the years and giving better innovative recipe to produce a more exquisite meal.

Baking can be carried out using different temperature which is really beautiful as different results can be seen on the same dough as it presents a unique difference in finished baked goods
Baking seems to be difficult to some people but tends to be very fulfilling when done properly. Baking is a delicate form of cooking and should be done with tender care and enthusiasm but of course you should leave room for the fun and innovative part.
Most of the time, I don’t critically follow rules in baking and still be very satisfied with what comes out the oven
The world of baking is an exciting one and I’m looking forward to working the journey with you.

See also  The Crafted Cookie, a NEW cookie decorating book!!– The Flour Box

#Baking #cooking #Bakers #Memoir

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