NAICS and SIC codes for baking companies

In North America, commercial baking businesses are classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). NAICS was developed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In 1997 this replaced the older Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, that were used to classify baking businesses up until then. Still the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) still lists SIC business classifications on their website.

Baking industry NAICS codes are updated about every five years by the United States Federal government. NAICS codes are from two to six digits long. That creates five levels of detail on a particular business. The highest level in the hierarchy is two digits and is the broadest classification of baking businesses. in a particular category. For example, codes beginning with 31 represent commercial bakeries. Codes beginning with 33 represent commercial baking equipment manufacturers. It’s a hierarchical system and gets more precise defining a business as you add additional digits. For example NAICS code 3118 represents bakeries and tortilla manufacturing companies. 311812 is more specific and represents companies that manufacture breads, doughnut and pastries in commercial bakeries.

Baking SIC codes to NAICS codes crossover table

Sometimes businesses are classified by the older SIC system even though that’s outdated. Here’s a crossover table for older SIC codes to newer NAICS codes. You can see in the table below that in some cases, one of the old SIC codes representing bakery businesses crosses over to multiple NAICS baking codes.

Baking companies NAICS codes table with descriptions

Here is a list of NAICS codes for the baking industry. You can see one NAICS code represents multiple possible businesses.

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