Snacking in focus: How puree concentrates can boost healthy indulgence


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In the snacking space, a profound shift is underway. Say hello to healthy indulgence, reimagined.

Consumers are increasingly seeking snacks that are nutritious, delicious and responsible. As a consequence, manufacturers are faced with the challenge of striking the balance between virtue, vice and values. Enter fruit and vegetable puree concentrates – the unsung heroes reshaping the sweet snack and dessert landscape, offering delectable goodness without the guilt.

Here, we explore why puree concentrates are low hanging fruit for formulators looking for fresh ways to capitalise on the dynamic healthy indulgence trend.

Snacks that pack a (healthy) punch

Snacks, from delicious dairy treats to scrumptious baked goods, are invariably treats – whether they’re convenient, tasty bites grabbed on-the-go or a moment of escapism and pure pleasure. That being said, there is significant appetite for snacks that taste good and do good. Almost half (42%) of US adults want their food and drink to contribute to both their mental and physical wellbeing[1], and this sentiment is echoed among European shoppers, with 50% claiming that healthy eating is a top priority.[2] And specifically for snacks, recent research revealed that 66% of global consumers are looking for indulgent and healthy options[3].

However, the sweet snacking category – from patisserie and confectionery to dairy and desserts – is generally considered unhealthy, due to traditional recipes being laden with sugar and fat and lacking in nutritional value. Analysis of snack consumption trends indicates that more than 40% of snack consumers have reduced their intake owing to perceived unhealthiness.[4] So, how can snack manufacturers continue to deliver that all-important taste, while taking into consideration the needs of more health-conscious consumers?

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A ‘better’ alternative

Puree concentrates have emerged as key players in helping manufacturers reformulate towards better-for-you options. Not only do they provide natural sweetness, but they also offer a plethora of nutritional benefits. From the immunity-boosting properties of vitamin C-rich raspberries to the antioxidant effects of blueberries, these ingredients bring both flavour and functionality to sweet snacks. What’s more, as consumers increasingly reject artificial sweeteners, additives and colourings, natural alternatives are becoming more appealing – and appetising.

Fruit and vegetable puree concentrates aren’t just a great nutritional addition – they are flavour-rich and pleasing to the proverbial palate. They can evoke a sense of seasonality – from ‘sunny’ strawberry and cherry notes to ‘warming’ carrot and apple – and are adept at adding depth, complexity and well-rounded taste profiles, reinforcing their reputation as appealing snack ingredients.

Spotlight on sustainability

Guilt-free snacking now extends beyond personal health to include environmental considerations. Indeed, 55% of European consumers are more likely to choose a snack product with some form of sustainability claim[5]. Puree concentrates are perfectly placed to meet evolving expectations. Clean label by nature, puree concentrates, in many cases, can support efforts to reduce food waste. They have, for example, a longer shelf life than fresh produce, meaning they can be stored for a longer period without deterioration, reducing the likelihood of food waste due to spoilage.

Furthermore, thanks to their concentrated format, the amount of ingredient that needs to be stored, processed and transported is minimal. This streamlined approach not only reduces logistical burdens but also enables manufacturers to capitalise on health boosting ingredients while reducing their carbon footprint.

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A sweet future for healthy indulgence

Contrary to belief, consumers don’t have to choose between being a sinner or saint when it comes to snacking. Puree concentrates enable manufacturers to offer consumers the sweet satisfaction they crave without compromising their commitment to wellbeing or sustainability. Thanks to these natural and functional ingredients, consumers can enjoy a plethora of delicious and indulgent snacks, one guilt-free bite at a time.

Discover more about our versatile puree concentrates range.


[1] Mintel, Healthy Lifestyles – US – 2022 Report

[2] McKinsey, Hungry and confused: The winding road to conscious eating, 5th October 2022, https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/hungry-and-confused-the-winding-road-to-conscious-eating

[3] Innova Market Insights, 2023

[4] Innova Market Insights, Snacks Market: Better-For-You Snacks vs. Savory Snacks, https://www.innovamarketinsights.com/trends/snacks-market/

[5] Bakery & Snack, What today’s health-conscious consumer wants from a snack, 24th November 2022, https://www.bakeryandsnacks.com/Article/2022/11/24/what-today-s-health-conscious-consumer-wants-from-a-snack#:~:text=Sustainable%20snacking&text=Additionally%2C%20a%20survey%20from%20Food,it%20includes%20a%20sustainability%20claim.

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