Yangmei (Morella/Myrica rubra) thread

  • April 20, 2024

Here’s the latest update on my male tree. The male tree started showing obviously differentiated bloom buds around November of last year per my reply # 674 on page 27 of this thread. Male buds started opening on 12/29/2023 per my reply # 686 on page 28 of this thread. Today, there are only a few male blooms remaining and all female buds are transitioning to vegetative growth. There are probably only about 10-20 small male blooms left on the male tree and they will likely release all their pollen within 1 week. This means that for this specific male I have, the bloom period at my location is approximately 4 months long with February and March as the main bloom/pollinating months.

Here’s a picture of a few of the remaining scraggly male blooms

If everyone can track their location, variety and bloom times, we can build a database that can help us decide which varieties to pair up with each other. The data will also be important for commercial farmers that may want to extend the fruiting season by planting early and late season varieties and also getting earlier or later crops based on location/climate.


#Yangmei #MorellaMyrica #rubra #thread

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