Juicing Vs. Blending | Juicers.co.uk

  • December 12, 2023

In the world of health and wellness, juicing and blending have gained immense popularity as the two main methods for incorporating fruits and vegetables into our diets. While both techniques involve making high-nutrient drinks, they each offer distinct advantages and some drawbacks. In this article, we explore the juicing vs. blending debate to help you choose which method best aligns best with your dietary and nutritional goals overall.


Juicing involves the extraction of the liquid content of fruits and vegetables while discarding the fibrous components of the produce. This process results in a concentrated and nutrient-packed juice that’s easy to digest and quickly absorbed by the body. Juicing fans argue that it allows for a higher intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants since the fibrous content is removed, which can sometimes hinder nutrient absorption.

Advantages of juicing:

  • Easier digestion: The absence of fibre in juices can be gentler on the digestive system, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive stomachs.
  • Concentrated Nutrients: Juices are a potent source of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in a condensed form, making it easier for the body to absorb them quickly.
  • Immunity: Juicing specific fruits and vegetables has been known to help boost immunity, and with a higher nutrient concentration in juicing, the effects are more prominent.

Disadvantages Of Juicing:

  • Calorie Dense: When juicing, the calories can sneakily add up and with fruits having a high sugar percentage, your juice can quickly become calorie-dense and high in sugar.
  • Cost: Due to the juice being extracted from produce, sometimes (depending on what is juiced) it can cost slightly more than blending, this is because you lose the fibre when juicing, therefore you will need more produce to make a full glass.
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Blending involves pulverizing whole fruits and vegetables into a smoothie, retaining their natural fibres. This results in a drink that’s more filling, provides sustained energy and offers a balance of nutrients. Blending enthusiasts say that the retention of fibre is a major advantage, as it aids digestion, promotes fullness and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Overall, blending is more fulfilling but the fibre does mean that the nutrients are absorbed by the body at a slower rate.

Advantages Of Blending

  • Steady Energy: Blended smoothies provide a steady release of nutrients and energy due to the presence of fibre and balanced nutrient profiles.
  • Satiety: The fibre content in blended drinks helps you feel full for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
  • Fibre Retention: Blended smoothies contain all the fibre present in the whole ingredients, promoting better digestion and a slower release of sugars into the bloodstream, which may help with evening out blood sugar levels.

Disadvantages Of Blending

  • Thicker Consistency: Some individuals might find the thicker consistency of blended smoothies less appealing compared to the smoother, lighter texture of juices.
  • Nutrient Dilution: The volume of ingredients used in blending can sometimes dilute the concentration of certain nutrients, which for some individuals, is the reason they tend to juice instead.


Overall, neither method has many disadvantages and is an amazing way to live a healthier lifestyle and increase your nutrition intake. The juicing vs. blending debate ultimately comes down to your individual health goals, preferences, and dietary requirements. If you’re looking for a quick nutrient boost with rapid absorption, juicing would be your go-to method. On the other hand, if you prioritize fibre intake, steady energy release, and satiety, blending is likely the better choice. However, it’s important to remember that both techniques play a valuable role in a balanced diet lifestyle and are both great ways to include more fruits and vegetables daily into your diet. Incorporating fresh produce into your diet, whether through juicing, blending, or a combination of both, can contribute to improved overall health and well-being.

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