What to Eat Before and After a Workout? Fruit!

  • December 9, 2023

How do you fuel up before or replenish after a workout? While there’s lots of compelling research about the best food for your body, one thing is for sure:  consuming whole, natural foods, like fruit, is one of the best ways to restore your body or give yourself the boost of energy you need to perform your best. So let’s talk about how to include fruit in your workout refueling strategy.Fun to Eat Fruit branded apples are great workout snacks and event swag!

Fruit Before Your Workout

If you’re planning on an intense workout, a denser, pre-workout meal is the way to go. Researchers at the American College of Sports Medicine advise consuming complex carbohydrates (like oatmeal) anywhere from two to four hours before a workout. This applies to all kinds of workouts, from more cardio-based (i.e. running) to weightlifting. To make your oatmeal a little more exciting, add some chopped apples or pears with nut butter. This provides you with the simple sugars and protein you need to power yourself through an intense workout. In fact, apples have flavonoids which increase endurance during workouts. Your body digests the carbs in this combo more slowly, so your blood sugar stays steadier. You’ll feel energized for longer.Fun to Eat Fruit branded apples are great post 5K snacks and event swag!

If you’re looking for something a little lighter and not as dense, eat a banana before the workout. Only have 5 or 10 minutes before your workout? Snack on a banana. Their easy-to-digest carbs power you up without weighing you down. They’re also a good source of antioxidants and potassium, a mineral that may help prevent muscle cramps. Toss one into your gym bag for a last-minute snack.

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Post Workout Fruit Snacking Ideas

After your workout, focus on restoring what you may have expended. The important thing is to eat relatively soon after finishing a workout. Researchers say that 45 minutes after your workout is the prime time to consume replenishing foods. Focus on eating meals with a mix of carbohydrates and protein, making sure that you don’t forget about the micro-nutrients provided by fruits and vegetables! A great post-workout snack is some greek yogurt (high in protein!) with cinnamon (a great anti-inflammatory) and chopped apples. Speaking of apples, they also help with recovery by helping to decrease soreness and swollen muscles.

Fun To Eat Fruit can imprint motivating phrases—or even your team or health club’s logo—on apples, oranges or pears as a unique, new take on a great workout snack! Bonus: our custom imprints are completely edible! Your members or teammates will love their edible workout swag. Perfect for a grab ‘n go snack for teammates or members as they head out the door or before they workout!Looking to refuel a larger group who just finished a workout, like a team or class, we have an amazing idea for you! How about Fun to Eat Fruit oranges— featuring your special logo or tagline or hashtag or motivational phrases—sliced into fours?

If you’re looking to refuel a larger group who just finished a workout, like a team or class, we have an amazing idea for you! How about Fun to Eat Fruit oranges— featuring your special logo or tagline or hashtag or motivational phrases—sliced into fours? They’re easy to transport and are good sources of vitamin C! Bring sliced oranges with Fun To Eat Fruit imprints on them to your next football game or tennis or soccer match for a great post-game treat. 

Send us a quote request for an estimate for your very own batch of custom branded apples, oranges or pears by Fun to Eat Fruit! 

See also  Benefits and Wellness Pro Shares Success with Branded Fruit

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Fruit is an awesome choice to fuel your workout. Did you know Fun To Eat Fruit can imprint motivating phrases—or even your team or health club's logo—on apples, oranges or pears? And our custom imprints are completely edible! www.funtoeatfruit.com Click to read more! #fitness #workout #healthysnack #Fruit #swag #branding #ediblefavors #running #nutrition #raceswag #weightlifting #teams #tennis #soccer #5k #healthclub #spa

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