Juicing Limes Is Sublime: From Shorter Colds to Tasty Pies

  • November 23, 2023


Limes are Anti-Carcinogenic

According to J. Robert Hatherill Ph.D., a research scientist, limes contain cancer-fighting compounds called flavonoids. In his book “Eat To Beat Cancer,” he writes about the biological activity of citrus juice has anti-cancer effects that prevent the invasion of cancer cells. Go kaempferol!

  1. Limes And Antibiotic Properties

Limes contain flavonol glycosides, so the same substance that fights off cancer also serves as an antibiotic. Kaffir limes, those bumpy-skinned limes found in India and Southeast Asia, have been shown to fight off E. coli. Further, these lime-antibiotic compounds have been shown to protect against the contraction of cholera!

  1. Limes Empower The Liver

Limes contain eight (8) different kinds liminoids which promote enzymatic activity in the liver. This allows your liver to detox a variety of cancer-causing chemicals that otherwise tend to take up residence there. Limes help the liver to deactivate them and then promote their excretion from your body.

  1. Limes Improves Digestion

When you’re getting set to juice, go ahead and throw in some lime! Limes are mildly-acidic and actually help the enzymes in our saliva break down food more efficiently. Better enzyme action = better digestion. Plus, the flavonoids in limes naturally stimulate our digestive juices. It’s great to add into savory juices with peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. Or, add to watermelon or pineapple bases for tangy-tart kick.

  1. Limes Fight Anemia

Did you know that a single lime can provide 32 % of your daily RDA of Vitamin C? Did you also know that just consuming 100 milligrams of the vitamin C found in limes helps increase iron absorption by 67%? (see: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition). And, we all know iron is critical to the production of our blood and hemoglobin. It’s what assists our body in keeping oxygen levels right where they need to be. Symptoms of deficiency include anemia, dizziness, brittle hair and nails, alopecia, and fatigue.

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Fun Facts:

One of the places commonly associated with growing limes is Key West, FL. home of the key-lime pie… However, almost no limes are grown there today. They are mainly grown in subtropical climates, such as Mexico, India, and Egypt. And, in case you’re wondering how they arrived in the Americas, well it seems Christopher Columbus brought lime trees to the New World on his second voyage.

Here’s Where YOU Can Help, Dear Reader . . . become a health detective  🙂

For two years, I’ve scoured the internet seeking sources that can back up the health and benefit claims of fruits, vegetables, and supplements (sometimes called “boost”).

In the chart below are the health claims I and others have discovered about lime. Where you see a footnote, you’ll find a link to the source.  If there is not a footnote, then that means that the specific health claim is made, but neither I or anyone I know has been able to locate sources of research or anecdote to backup the claim.

So, if you are aware of a direct source of research or anecdotes to back up the claims, please post them in the comments.  I’ll check them out and if they meet our standards, I’ll make sure that they’re included in the next edition of the blog and give you a shout-out!

Reported Health Benefit Claims of Lime:

So, enjoy a lime and good health this season!

Today with Dr. Davis we’re gonna learn about limes. So now let’s talk about limes. Oh, limes are one of my favorite because it goes well with a tequila hahaha and margaritas. So we live in Texas, so margaritas, but uh, lime again, the, the major properties to it is very similar to the lemon and oranges and grapefruits high in vitamin C has antioxidant properties to it, you know, we all know it from, that’s what, you know, we used to give the sailors who would get scurvy and for, for the younger people out there, sailors used to get scurvy because they would be at sea for so long and they weren’t able to to get any type of fruits or vegetables. So they lacked vitamin C and so they would go get scurvy and scurvy is a condition that causes the uh, the gout?

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No, no, sorry, the thyroid. No, not necessarily thyroid. It causes capillary fragility of the body. And so, so all the mucus membranes would bleed like your, the gums in the ears and nose and eventually it would actually bleed out. Would be what would be from when they would die. Almost like internal bleeding death. Yeah, exactly. That’s what it would be like. And so, uh, again, people that bruise a lot, one of the, one of the things they may be missing is vitamin C and a wine would be a great way to get great source of it. So uh sometimes people mix wine with coconut. Is that just for the flavor? I believe so. I, yeah, I mean the song goes back with that, but I think it was just the, just the, the mix that they came up with. Great stuff.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3933061/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11412050
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10799377
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17919696/
  5. https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/135/4/870/4663766

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